Pillar 1

Advancing and Inspiring Women Transplant Professionals


  • Ensure equity in transplantation professional society leadership

  • Advocate for an increase in women speakers in international and national meetings

  • Increase monetary grants and awards going to women transplant professionals

  • Overall aim for more women in the profession, connected to and supporting each other (formal and informal mentorship)


Yolanda Becker, United States
Pillar 1 Chair
Curie Ahn, South Korea
Samantha Anthony, Canada
Sangeeta Bhorade, United States
Marie Carbonnel, France
Anita Chong, United States
Christine Falk, Germany
Debbie Levine, United States
Lorna Marson, United Kingdom
Friederike Martin, Germany
Helen Pilmore, New Zealand
Vasanthi Ramesh, India
Karen Sherwood, Canada

The Transplantation Society

International Headquarters

740 Notre-Dame St. West, Suite 1245
Montréal, QC, QC, H3C 3X6 Canada

Phone: 514-874-1717
Fax: 514-874-1716
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E-Mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.